Returns and Refund Policy for Adroit Ignite

If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, we’re here to help.

Returns and Refunds
The provision of goods and services by Adroit Technologies is subject to availability.
Where Adroit Technologies is unable to fulfill it’s obligations we will refund the purchaser in full within 30 days of such cancellation notice being sent to purchaser.
Where the purchaser cancels an order an Administration Fee of 15% of the order value shall be deducted from total purchase price and monies received for such cancelled order.
On the completion of your purchase of the Adroit Ignite HMI, you will receive a Temporary License valid for 30 days. This Temporary License can be used on as many machines as the purchaser would like and will include all the features as per the order placed, thereafter the purchaser will have to install the license permanently on the hardware that he intends to deliver the Adroit Ignite project on. No refunds will be allowed following the completion of this process, namely once the final license has been emailed to the purchaser from Adroit Technologies.

Contact Us
If you have any questions on how to cancel your purchase, contact us: